1. evo视讯

        Other Applications
        Modular and streamlined installation. Optimized for off grid battery energy storage systems to reduce electricity bills.
        Smart design with an optimized and cost-efficient solution
        Flexible warranty package
        Grid-forming inverter
        EMS (Energy Management System) – controlling diesel and battery dispatch
        Seamlessly integrated renewables
        Site resiliency
        Tier 1 hardware and software
        Trustworthy, expert partner network and strong supply chain
        Flexible solutions designed for each customer’s needs
        Off-grid and grid-connected Microgrids

        Industrial power supply is independent from oil price

        Increasing RE penetration and sustainability

        · Ramp-up control for diesel allows the switching off of diesel generators in times of renewable energy generation

        Site resiliency

        Hedging against possible emission penalties

        Green and sustainable power supply

        Overcome planned and unplanned power outages

        Grid forming Power Conversion System (PCS) allows the power supply by only Battery, Battery+PV or both in parallel with Diesel
        Ramp-rate control allows Diesel to be turned off in times of high renewable penetration and to be switched on when needed
        Dispatch strategy controlled by advanced Energy Management System (EMS)
        Large Industrial

        Demand response

        Site resiliency

        Lower demand charges

        Potential addition of PV

        Smart design with an optimized and cost-efficient solution

        Tier 1 hardware and software

        Trustworthy, expert partner network and strong supply chain

        Flexible solutions designed for each customer’s needs

        Peak Power Shaving with or without solar

        Energy bills for industrial consumers based on the highest power demands
        · Substantial reduction of energy payments by absorbing peak power demands

        Delivery of stored energy to the grid during periods of high demand
        · Lower burden placed on the distribution network
        · Increased network efficiency

        Energy to be stored in periods of low demand

        Balanced energy generation as a result
        · Avoids more expensive and polluting generators

        Large Industrial
        Battery is being charged from the grid in times of lower load consumption
        When load consumption increases, battery can supply power to the load in order to limit power consumption from grid
        Start your Storage Journey
        Discover how Trina Storage can help you!
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